// SDL Experiment 17, Barra Ó Catháin. // =================================== #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // A 2D vector: typedef struct xyVector { double xComponent; double yComponent; } xyVector; // A struct storing the needed data to draw a ship: typedef struct ship { SDL_Rect rectangle; xyVector position; xyVector velocity; xyVector gravity; int number; } ship; // Get the angle between vectors: static inline double angleBetweenVectors(xyVector * vectorA, xyVector * vectorB) { double dotProduct = (vectorA->xComponent * vectorB->xComponent) + (vectorA->yComponent * vectorB->yComponent); double determinant = (vectorA->xComponent * vectorB->yComponent) - (vectorA->yComponent * vectorB->xComponent); return atan2(dotProduct, determinant) / 0.01745329; } void DrawCircle(SDL_Renderer * renderer, int32_t centreX, int32_t centreY, int32_t radius) { const int32_t diameter = (radius * 2); int32_t x = (radius - 1); int32_t y = 0; int32_t tx = 1; int32_t ty = 1; int32_t error = (tx - diameter); while (x >= y) { // Each of the following renders an octant of the circle SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer, centreX + x, centreY - y); SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer, centreX + x, centreY + y); SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer, centreX - x, centreY - y); SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer, centreX - x, centreY + y); SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer, centreX + y, centreY - x); SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer, centreX + y, centreY + x); SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer, centreX - y, centreY - x); SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer, centreX - y, centreY + x); if (error <= 0) { ++y; error += ty; ty += 2; } if (error > 0) { --x; tx += 2; error += (tx - diameter); } } } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { SDL_Event event; bool quit = false; int width = 0, height = 0; uint32_t rendererFlags = SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED; uint64_t thisFrameTime = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter(), lastFrameTime = 0; long positionX = 512, positionY = 512, starPositionX = 0, starPositionY = 0; xyVector positionVector = {512, 512}, velocityVector = {1, 0}, gravityVector = {0, 0}, engineVector = {0.04, 0}, upVector = {0, 0.1}, starPosition = {0, 0}; // Create the socket: int socketFileDesc = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (socketFileDesc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\tSocket Creation is:\t\033[33;40mRED.\033[0m Aborting launch.\n"); exit(0); } printf("\tSocket Creation is:\t\033[32;40mGREEN.\033[0m\n"); // Make the socket timeout: struct timeval read_timeout; read_timeout.tv_sec = 0; read_timeout.tv_usec = 10; setsockopt(socketFileDesc, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &read_timeout, sizeof read_timeout); // Create and fill the information needed to bind to the socket: struct sockaddr_in serverAddress; memset(&serverAddress, 0, sizeof(serverAddress)); serverAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; // IPv4 serverAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; serverAddress.sin_port = htons(12000); // Bind to the socket: if (bind(socketFileDesc, (const struct sockaddr *)&serverAddress, sizeof(serverAddress)) < 0) { perror("bind failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Get the initial ship shipA; ship shipB; // Initialize the SDL library, video, sound, and input: if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0) { printf("SDL Initialization Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } // Initialize image loading: IMG_Init(IMG_INIT_PNG); SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "2"); // Create an SDL window and rendering context in that window: SDL_Window * window = SDL_CreateWindow("SDL_TEST", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, 700, 700, 0); SDL_Renderer * renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, rendererFlags); SDL_SetWindowTitle(window, "Spacewar!"); // Load in all of our textures: SDL_Texture * idleTexture, * acceleratingTexture, * clockwiseTexture, * anticlockwiseTexture, * currentTexture, * acceleratingTexture2; idleTexture = IMG_LoadTexture(renderer, "./Images/Ship-Idle.png"); clockwiseTexture = IMG_LoadTexture(renderer, "./Images/Ship-Clockwise.png"); acceleratingTexture = IMG_LoadTexture(renderer, "./Images/Ship-Accelerating.png"); anticlockwiseTexture = IMG_LoadTexture(renderer, "./Images/Ship-Anticlockwise.png"); acceleratingTexture2 = IMG_LoadTexture(renderer, "./Images/Ship-Accelerating-Frame-2.png"); // Enable resizing the window: SDL_SetWindowResizable(window, SDL_TRUE); ship Temp; bool shipAUpdated, shipBUpdated; while (!quit) { while(!(shipAUpdated && shipBUpdated)) { // Receive data from the socket: recvfrom(socketFileDesc, &Temp, sizeof(ship), 0, NULL, NULL); if(Temp.number == 0) { shipA = Temp; shipAUpdated = true; } if(Temp.number == 1) { shipB = Temp; shipBUpdated = true; } } // Check if the user wants to quit: while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: { quit = true; break; } default: { break; } } } // Store the window's current width and height: SDL_GetWindowSize(window, &width, &height); // Set the texture to idle: currentTexture = idleTexture; // Calculate the position of the sprites: shipB.rectangle.x = (width/2) - 16 - (shipB.velocity.xComponent * 15); shipB.rectangle.y = (height/2) - 16 - (shipB.velocity.yComponent * 15); shipA.rectangle.x = (long)((((shipA.position.xComponent - shipB.position.xComponent) - 32) + width/2) - (shipB.velocity.xComponent * 15)); shipA.rectangle.y = (long)((((shipA.position.yComponent - shipB.position.yComponent) - 32) + height/2) - (shipB.velocity.yComponent * 15)); // Set the colour to black: SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255); // Clear the screen, filling it with black: SDL_RenderClear(renderer); // Draw the ship: SDL_RenderCopyEx(renderer, currentTexture, NULL, &shipA.rectangle, angleBetweenVectors(&shipA.velocity, &upVector) + 90, NULL, 0); SDL_RenderCopyEx(renderer, currentTexture, NULL, &shipB.rectangle, angleBetweenVectors(&shipB.velocity, &upVector) + 90, NULL, 0); // Set the colour to yellow: SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 0, 255); // Draw a circle as the star: DrawCircle(renderer, (long)(starPositionX - shipB.position.xComponent) + width/2 - (shipB.velocity.xComponent * 15), (long)(starPositionY - shipB.position.yComponent) + height/2 - (shipB.velocity.yComponent * 15), 50); // Present the rendered graphics: SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); shipAUpdated = false; shipBUpdated = false; } return 0; } // ======================================================================================================== // Local Variables: // compile-command: "gcc `sdl2-config --libs --cflags` SDL2-Experiment-17-Client.c -lSDL2_image -lm -o 'Spacewar Client!'" // End: